Elm Seed Bugs in Boise: What You Need to Know

As the weather heats up and summer quickly approaches, you may find some small, unwanted pests invading your home. Although they look a lot like box elder bugs, these small red and black insects are a relatively new species to the Treasure Valley and can cause plenty of frustration for residents. Luckily, Averse Pest Control will help you with everything you need to know about elm seed bugs in Boise.

Elm Seed Bug Identification

Elm seed bugs go through 3 distinct life stages: egg, nymph, and adult. According to the U of I, newly hatched nymphs are very small with red bodies and dark brown heads. As they grow and mature, their body color changes to a dark brown with red highlights. One of their most identifiable marks is a dark triangle on their backs with the point facing backward. This triangle is inside a brownish-red rectangle. There are also white bands on the edges of their abdomens. They are smaller than box elder bugs (only about ⅓ of an inch long), and unlike other beetles and similar looking insects, elm seed bugs fold their wings in an x pattern across their backs.

Maite Santiste  ban, Copyrighted free use, via Wikimedia Commons

Elm Seed Bug Behavior

Elm seed bugs, sometimes called Elm Tree Bugs, overwinter under tree bark, leaf litter, and inside firewood. They will also try to find their way into buildings to spend the winter. During the spring, they will mate and lay their eggs on elm seeds. These elm seed bugs will then congregate in large numbers on buildings and trees, and as soon as the weather gets hot, they will attempt to get inside. Although they do not sting, bite, stain, or eat pantry items, they can still be very frustrating because of the sheer number of bugs that cluster in yards and homes.

Elm Seed Bug Control Measures

Pest proofing your home is one of the best ways to control elm seed bugs. This is especially important if you live in an area near a lot of elm trees. Do the following things to protect your home and property:

  • Seal the exterior of your home by using caulk around windows and weatherstripping around doors
  • Make sure all screens are intact and in good repair
  • Inspect any firewood that you bring into your home
  • Place sticky traps on your window sills
  • Vacuum up any bugs you see in your home and dispose of the bag in an outdoor trash can
  • Hire a Boise pest control specialist to apply a barrier treatment of a broad spectrum insecticide around the outside of your home

Pest Control in Boise

If you are looking for the best pest control service in Boise and the surrounding area, you will find it at Averse Pest Control. We are locally owned and operated, which means we know the area and are experts at the pest problems that can arise. Friendly, fast, and safe service is the hallmark of our business. Contact us today to get started!

About Us


Averse Pest Control was started to give folks a smarter way to keep their homes and families protected from the pests in the Boise area; one that is safe, local, effective, fast, and service-oriented.

We're a small company, but we've gained a reputation for excellence. We'd love to earn your business!

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