The Boise Guide to Black Widow Spiders

Have you ever been sitting on your porch, relaxing after a long day, and you suddenly see a spider scurrying around? Not only will this instantly ruin the mood of your night, but it can cause anxiety and worry about the security of your home. No one wants these creepy creatures in or around their home, especially with kids and pets running around. Here’s everything you need to know about black widow spiders in Boise, and how to get rid of them. 

Given the danger of black widow bites, it's not surprising that many Idaho homeowners would like to keep these eight-legged creatures as far from their properties as possible. But how can you tell if it's black widows or some other kind of spider?

Save yourself from dangerous spider bites by enlisting
the help of pest control in Boise. Professionals like those of us at Averse Pest Control can help keep you safe from black widows and other dangerous pests.

How To Tell If It's Black Widow Spiders On Your Property

Many Idaho spiders are tiny and can be hard to differentiate. Luckily black widow spiders have some traits that make them easier to recognize than most. For starters, black widows have a bright red or orange hourglass shape on their bellies. And while it may not seem distinctive at first, their black bulbous bodies are another key indicator. Their bodies appear bare, without hair, unlike other species of spiders. While these spiders tend to be small, they are also generally recognizable among most other types of spiders.

The webs that black widow spiders spin are often their most distinguishing characteristic. Black widow spiders do create webs which are messy and often irregular near the ground level of your house. Because black widows are nocturnal and can be hard to detect during the day, looking for webs is the most effective way to know that black widows are on your property. Cautiously removing webs and egg sacs you find around the foundation, doorways, windows, and up high in the eaves can deter black widows from living near your house. 

Black Widow Spider Bites Can Lead To Serious Medical Problems

Black widows are arguably the most dangerous spiders in the country. While their bites rarely inject enough venom to be fatal, the FDA does produce an antivenin to counteract black widow venom to reduce side effects and the possibility of death. 

Black widows are small spiders, and their bite may feel like a pinprick or nothing at all. If you look closely, you may be able to see two tiny fang marks on your skin following a bite. Black widow venom is a neurotoxin that causes pain at the bite site and spreads throughout the body, causing fever, increased blood pressure, sweating, and nausea. You will usually start to feel symptoms of a black widow bite immediately. The most pain you would feel happens within 1-3 hours.

If you have been bitten by a black widow, seek medical treatment immediately to prevent further pain and the spreading of the venom.

The Safe And Effective Way To Remove Black Widow Spiders

If you want to get rid of spiders in the house, including black widow spiders, it's best to enlist the services of a professional pest control business like Averse Pest Control.

We will inspect your home for spider activity and potential entry points and develop a treatment plan based on your needs. Our services include web removal, dust application, glue board monitoring, and liquid residual products. We will also follow up and provide you with a full warranty so that you can be confident spiders will not return. 

Five Prevention Tips To Avoid Future Black Widow Spiders

Avoiding black widow spiders in your home can include the same steps you would take for other types of spiders in Idaho, including:


  • Limit entry into your home. Seal cracks and crevices in your home's exterior. Use weatherstripping and door sweeps to eliminate gaps. Fix or replace torn screens. 
  • Reduce clutter. Spiders like to hide in sheltered areas where they are unlikely to be disturbed. Clearing out cluttered areas can minimize these hiding spots. Make sure wood piles are away from the house.
  • Sweep away webs around the house. Making a point to sweep away webs as you find them will discourage black widows and other spiders from sticking around. Wear gloves and be careful when you remove webs.
  • Limit pest prey. The number one thing attracting spiders to your property is their insect prey. Eliminating any underlying pest issues can help you avoid spiders coming to hunt them. 
  • Get professional help. If you are serious about spider prevention, a professional pest control expert can help you get on the right track. 


If you're interested in getting expert spider control help to prevent black widows and other dangerous pests, call Averse Pest Control today and request your free, no-obligation quote.

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Averse Pest Control was started to give folks a smarter way to keep their homes and families protected from the pests in the Boise area; one that is safe, local, effective, fast, and service-oriented.

We're a small company, but we've gained a reputation for excellence. We'd love to earn your business!

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