Sugar Ants in Boise

What Are Sugar Ants?

Sugar ants, also known as pavement ants, are a small species of ant that are commonly found in homes and gardens. The technical name for them is Odorous House Ants. They are attracted to sugary substances and are known for their small size and black color. These ants are usually about 1/8 inch long and have a reddish-brown or black color. They typically live in colonies and can be found in soil or under rocks and logs. They can also be found in walls and foundations of buildings, and are known to forage for food inside homes. They typically feed on a variety of sweet substances such as fruits, nectars, and syrups. They also eat insects, seeds and other small animals. They are considered nuisance pests and can be controlled through the use of baits and pest control products.

Sugar Ants Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are sugar ants dangerous?

Sugar ants are not considered to be dangerous to humans. They do not bite or sting and are not known to transmit any diseases. They are considered to be nuisance pests, as they can be a problem when they invade homes in search of food and can be difficult to control once they establish a colony inside a building. They can also cause damage to structures by burrowing into walls and foundations. While they are not dangerous to human health, it is important to keep them out of your home and prevent them from nesting inside as they can spoil food and attract other pests, and also can be unsanitary and unpleasant to have them around.

Why do I have a sugar ant problem?

When dealt with incorrectly, ants can actually become a bigger problem than they were to start with. In some cases, when the colony senses danger, the odorous house ant colony will split in order to protect some of the ants. The process of colony splitting involves a group of ants, usually led by a reproductive queen, leaving the original colony to establish a new colony elsewhere. The new colony will then establish its own nest and begin to forage for food.

What may start as one ant colony can quickly become two colonies, or even more. It is especially important when working with ants that you use the correct products in just the right way. Averse Pest Control has just the right products and the expertise to deal with your pesky ants.

Where will I find sugar ants?

Sugar ants, also known as pavement ants, are commonly found in homes and gardens. They are attracted to sugary substances and are known for their small size and black color. These ants can be found in a variety of locations, including:

  • Inside homes: They can be found in walls and foundations of buildings, and are known to forage for food inside homes.
  • Outside: They can also be found in gardens and yards, living in soil or under rocks and logs. They also can be found on pavement, sidewalks and driveways.
  • Kitchen and pantry: They are often found in kitchens and pantries, looking for food.
  • Near sources of sweetness: They are attracted to sweet substances like fruits, nectars, syrups, jelly and honey.

They are known for their ability to form large colonies, so when you find one ant, more are likely to be nearby.

How do I get rid of sugar ants?

To get rid of sugar ants, one of the most effective methods is to use a professional ant control service in Boise such as Averse Pest Control in Boise. They will be able to identify the specific type of ant and develop a treatment plan to eliminate them. This may include baiting, dusting, or liquid treatment. Additionally, it is important to eliminate any food sources that may be attracting the ants, such as crumbs or spills. Regular cleaning and sealing any cracks or crevices in the home can also prevent future infestations. Averse Pest Control in Boise has the professional knowledge and experience to quickly and effectively get rid of sugar ants in your home or office.

How can I prevent sugar ants in the future?

Prevent problems with sugar ants by partnering with Averse Pest Control, and by implementing the following prevention tips:

  • Seal your exterior. Use a caulking gun to seal gaps in the outside of your home. Replace weatherstripping, door sweeps, screens, and other protective items. Repair wood.
  • Reduce moisture. Clear blockages out of gutters and repair any damaged gutters. Remove weeds and unwanted grass from your landscaping.
  • Remove hiding places. Move stacked wood, dead branches, and other wood sources away from your home. Blow leaves out of your landscaping and out from underneath structures. Reduce lawn clutter.
  • Keep your home clean, both inside and out. This one's for sugar ants and all other pets. When you keep your home clean, you reduce insect and spider activity.

About Us


Averse Pest Control was started to give folks a smarter way to keep their homes and families protected from the pests in the Boise area; one that is safe, local, effective, fast, and service-oriented.

We're a small company, but we've gained a reputation for excellence. We'd love to earn your business!

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