How to Get Rid of Drugstore Beetles in Boise

What Are Drugstore Beetles?

Drugstore beetles get their name from feeding on the herbs that early pharmacists used to create drugs. But, drugstore beetles also feed on a variety of other things which have caused them to become a major pest in Boise homes and businesses. Some of their other favorite foods include:

  • Flour and cereals
  • Spices and coffee beans
  • Dry pet food
  • Wool
  • Leather
  • Horns
  • Fabrics

What do adult drugstore beetles look like?

Adult drugstore beetles have an oval-shaped body and a brownish-red color. Other physical features include:

  • A head bent at an angle making them appear humpbacked.
  • Smooth antenna with a three-segmented club at its end.
  • Six short legs.
  • Striated wings covers, covered in rows of fine hairs.
  • Small larvae - white grubs covered in short hairs.

Are drugstore beetles dangerous?

The ability to contaminate food and damage our personal belongings causes drugstore beetles to be dangerous pests. The larval stage of this pest is what causes the most damage and destruction. After an adult female lays her eggs on an appropriate food source the larvae hatch and feed on the food provided to them.

Where will I find drugstore beetles?

Drugstore beetles prefer to live either in warmer regions or in colder regions inside heated buildings. The warm weather found in Boise throughout most of the year allows these pests to thrive.


After finding their way into our homes drugstore beetles don’t just stay in the kitchen like many other stored product pests. The drugstore beetle's varied diet allows them to feed on both food and non-food items stored throughout a home in kitchens, bathrooms, closets, and basements. 

Commercial properties that become home to drugstore beetles include drug stores, grocery stores, restaurants, food processing or storage facilities, and museums.

Why do I have a drug store beetle problem?

There are two main reasons why drugstore beetles have become a problem in your home, they enter inside on their own or hitchhike their way in.


It is important to know two things about drugstore beetles, they are strong fliers and light attracts them. Outdoor lights draw drugstore beetles and many other insects to the exterior of our homes. After finding their way to your home it is common for drugstore beetles to move inside through openings around windows and doors or torn screens.


These pests also hitchhike inside of our homes on products purchased from the store already infested with drug store beetle eggs or larva.

How do I get rid of drugstore beetles?

The fastest and most effective way to eliminate drugstore beetles from your Boise home or business is to partner with the pest control professionals at Averse Pest Control.


Our experienced professionals provide the top-quality services and eco-friendly products needed to eliminate drugstore beetles and keep them from returning. To learn more about eliminating drugstore beetles and other pests from your residential or commercial property, give Averse Pest Control a call today!

How can I prevent drugstore beetles in the future?

Prevent problems with drugstore beetles by partnering with Averse Pest Control and by implementing the following prevention tips:

  • Never purchase dry goods from a store with torn packaging.
  • After returning from the store remove dry goods from the original packaging and place the food in glass or plastic containers with tight-fitting lids.
  • Store items made of wool, fur, or leather in plastic containers with locking lids. (Cardboard storage boxes are easily invaded by drugstore beetles and other pests).
  • Place weather-stripping around windows and doors.
  • Make sure open windows and doors have tight-fitting screens.
  • Keep outdoor lights turned off whenever possible. Replace white outdoor bulbs with yellow LED bulbs that are less attractive to drugstore beetles.

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Averse Pest Control was started to give folks a smarter way to keep their homes and families protected from the pests in the Boise area; one that is safe, local, effective, fast, and service-oriented.

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