Clover Mites in Idaho: 3 Things You Need to Know

People up and down the Treasure Valley have been finding large numbers of small, red bugs gathering in and around their homes. Individually, these little critters are difficult to see with the naked eye, but when they are in large groups, they take on an eerie presence in and around your home. Clover mites in Idaho are becoming a big problem, but the experts at Averse Pest Control have everything you need to know.

The size of clover mites compared to a penny by Jackie [CC BY 2.0 (] via Flickr

What do clover mites look like?

Clover mites are very small members of the arachnid family and are related to spiders and ticks. Adult clover mites are smaller than the head of a pin, averaging only 1/30 of an inch big. They are oval-shaped with 8 legs, the front two being as long as their body and extending forward. One of the most distinctive features of clover mites is their color. While some are reddish-brown or black, many are bright red, especially immature mites.

Are clover mites dangerous?

Luckily, clover mites do not bite, sting, cause structural damage to homes, or transmit diseases. Clover mites are not dangerous to humans, but they are nuisance pests. During spring and fall, clover mites will gather together in large clusters in areas that are warm like south or southwest facing walls. Often, the mites will find a way into homes through cracks and gaps in the exterior. Once inside, clover mites will cluster on walls, drapes, furniture, floors, window sills, and more. Finding bugs all over your home can be frustrating, and when you go to squish them, you are left with reddish stains.

How do you control clover mites?

Clover mite control is best achieved through a combination of preventive measures and treatments by pest control specialists. With these tips and tricks, you can get rid of those annoying clover mites for good.

  • Keep vegetation in your yard trimmed and at least a foot away from your home
  • Mow the lawn regularly 
  • Clean up debris around your property, including extra wood, construction materials, garbage, old tires, etc.
  • Avoid standing water in your yard by improving the landscaping, ensuring that gutters and downspouts are unclogged, and fixing any leaky pipes or faucets
  • Seal any cracks and gaps around the foundation and exterior of your home
  • Ensure that windows and doors close tightly and have screens and weatherstripping intact
  • Hire an Idaho pest control professional to apply regular perimeter treatments around your home to prevent mites and many other pests from entering

Boise Pest Control

If clover mites are creating a headache for you and your family, contact the experts at Averse Pest Control. We are a locally owned and operated Boise pest control company who knows the area and the pest problems that may arise. Our team of trained professionals will ensure that you are completely taken care of. Fast, friendly, and reliable service is our guarantee for our customers. We offer pest control and peace of mind. Contact us today to get started.

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Averse Pest Control was started to give folks a smarter way to keep their homes and families protected from the pests in the Boise area; one that is safe, local, effective, fast, and service-oriented.

We're a small company, but we've gained a reputation for excellence. We'd love to earn your business!

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